[Toronto AES Logo]

March 1994: Volume 2, Number 7


Acoustical Analysis, Computers and Ease

(Electro-Acoustics Simulator for Engineers)

Ron Sarau, Engineering Systems Manager

Renkus-Heinz Loudspeakers


Pre-meeting "Dutch Treat" dinner, 6:00 pm at On the Rocks Restaurant, 169 Front Street East

(near S.W. corner of Sherbourne and Front)

AES What's Inside

AES This Month's Meeting Preview

As little as ten years ago, the design of a sound reinforcement system in a given space meant hours and hours of manual calculations, and manual drawings: with some luck and experience, the end results (on paper) looked good.

If, however, the results were unacceptable, all that engineering went down the drain, and you started all over again... a totally frustrating experience, especially if you knew there was a deadline to meet.

With the advent of CADD, a designer's efforts are now concentrated in front of a computer and a printer. There are still many hours of plotting your information into this math box, but the results are quite different.

In the latter part of the 80's, Dr Wolfgang Ahnert introduced EASE to the world of Acoustics and Audio. EASE (Electro Acoustic Simulation for Engineers), is where CADD meets Audio. With this computer program, all information of the space (dimensions, shapes, materials) are correlated, and with the model now generated, you can select from any of a number of loudspeakers from a large variety of manufacturers, including Altec Lansing, Electrovoice, Community, Frazier, Tannoy, etc from the data base, and with your selection you can insert and plot into your model, and the computer does all the calculations, and produces pitted results in colour!

EASE, and EASEjr. are extraordinary and powerful in CADD and simulation work.

Find out more by attending the next Toronto AES meeting with Mr Ron Sauro from Renkus- Heinz (distributor). Ron has been very active for many years as an independent consultant in sound system design and installations. He has presented papers to the AES, and as a user of EASE, has for the past couple of years been with Renkus-Heinz with the mandate to expand EASE and assist users and consultants with EASE, and now EARS (Auralization Simulation).

Ron is in Toronto to participate in the Inspiration North show (March 10-12th at the Constellation Hotel) and to present a workshop for users of EASE and EASEjr.

On March 15th, Ron will present EASE to the Toronto AES, and provide us with an in-depth overview of how powerful and accurate electro-acoustic computer simulation is here today.

Thanks to John Radul of SF Marketing, the Canadian distributors of EASE, for his help in making this meeting possible!

In Toronto, Devy Breda

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AES Last Month's Meeting Review

Next month, the Bulletin will be publishing reviews of the workshops presented at GroundView: Noise in Audio, held February 26 at the Glenn Gould Studio in the CBC Canadian Broadcasting Centre.

150 people attended this extremely well-received day long event. The Bulletin admits a certain bias in the following assessment, but we are of the opinion that the day was an unqualified success.


Fertile AES Executive Produces Again!

Membership Secretary Peter Cook, his wife Bobbie and daughter Caitlyn are proud to announce a new future AES member, Olivia Nicole Watson-Cook, 5 pounds 2.5 ounces, born January 28. Congratulations Peter and Bobbie!!!

A three day loudspeaker workshop, Loudspeaker University, focussing on reducing distortion and improving the power handling of loudspeakers is being held at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

This is a seminar for people who design speakers and those who specify speakers from suppliers. A detailed look at each and every part of the speaker, and what it does and why, how it might do its job better, and how to measure the change in its operation.

Presenters include Dr Kohli (Nomex and Kevlar Cones), Dr D Holty (Georgia Tech), Dr Puria (MIT), Mike Eales (Hisco), and a man familiar to AES Toronto members from a meeting last year, Dr Raj, of Ferrofluidics Corp. For info, call (603) 598-7268.

The Canadian Academy of Multimedia Arts and Sciences is hosting the first Canadian hosted international new media award show, the CAMAS Awards, on May 27 at the Ryerson Theatre, held as part of the Toronto Culture Technology Convergence Week '94, May 22-28, 1994.

Awards go to individuals, corporations and research/academic insititutions who utilize emerging technologies to boost public awareness and involvement in new forms of media, and international attention to Canadian related industries.

For information, call (416) 340-8070.

Be It Known: Nominations are now being accepted for positions on the 1994-95 AES Toronto Section Executive Committee.

Contact Tom Shevlin (416) 205-3057

Large Toronto Installation/Show Service company requires sales staff. Jobs available include Senior and Junior equipment sales and Senior show service sales. Address Resume to: Sales Department, P.O. Box 120, 1578 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4L 1G1.

Yorkville Sound is a market leader in the manufacture of professional audio equipment with a reputation for innovation and quality. Several years of world-wide growth have resulted in the need for 3 new people: Analog Circuit Designer, Programmer (assembler and embedded systems), Production Engineer or Technologist. Also desirable is expertise in Digital design or troubleshooting, various manufacturing processes, DSP technology. Reply to: ATTN: Engineering, Yorkville Sound, 550 Granite Court, Pickering, Ontario L1W 3Y8. No Phone Calls Please!

If you are reading this tiny little filler, and you are not a member of the Audio Engineering Society, but would like to be... Call our MemberShip Secretary, Peter Cook, at (416) 205-2317.

You'll get the esteemed Journal of the AES, this AES Toronto Bulletin, and a chance to stay informed and be involved in an organization over 12,000 members strong.

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Logo Copyright 1993, Audio Engineering Society Toronto Section Bulletin

Articles may be used with the Author's Permission. Contact the Bulletin Editor: earlm@hookup.net

Editor: Earl McCluskie Assistant Editor: Anne Reynolds Layout Editor: Lee White

The Bulletin is prepared in print by Lee White, and on Horizons and the Internet by Earl McCluskie.