SurroundView 96
Bringing Surround Sound Home
This programme is expected to change slightly. It is posted here simply to give you and idea of what will be covered during SurroundView 96.
9:00-9:05 AES Toronto Exec
- Introduce Master of Ceremonies, Tomlinson Holman
9:05-9:15 Tomlinson Holman, TMH Corporation
- Set up the theme of the day, Bringing Surround Sound Home
9:15-9:45 Ian Masters, Sound&Vision
Surround Sound at Home: The Consumer's Perspective
- what do consumers own, what do they want, where are things headed?
- market penetration
- is this Quad II?
- will DVD fly?
- is surround only for movies or for music-only too?
- is this marketing hype to sell more speakers and amps or do consumers want this in their homes?
- how the industry is pitching this to consumers
- who are the players (consumer gear & software manufacturers)
9:45-10:30 Brad Hohle, Dolby Laboratories
How Surround Sound Came Home
- Dolby's contribution to bringing surround sound home
- multichannel media
- which ones are making use of encoded sound
- what media is Dolby Digital positioned for
- evolution from encoded multichannel to discrete
- how do they co-exist, what are the benefits of pushing ahead
- how does the audio professional get involved, why should s/he
- practical realities of current home market
10:30-10:50 COFFEE
10:50-11:40 Tomlinson Holman
How Many Channels?
- review of literature and own research on appropriate number of channels for surround sound playback
- should there be a defined limit?
- how will manufacturers determine what is optimum number?
- direction manufacturers currently appearing to be headed
- work that AES has been doing to influence the outcome
- work that other organizations have been doing
11:40-12:30 John Eargle, Delos Records
Production Techniques for Surround Sound Music
- when, why and how to record music for multichannel playback
- what are practical considerations
- equipment
- monitoring
- post-production
- what extra cost in dollars and time
- direction he is headed with Delos and why
- promise of DVD-Audio format
12:30 - 1:15 LUNCH (included in admission)
1:15-2:00 Tomlinson Holman
What Multichannel Audio Does for Music
- why the music industry should/may/will move toward multichannel audio
- info on newly formed association
- how seriously is this being taken by music industry?
- who is involved and what directions are being taken?
2:00-5:00 Demonstrations
At the beginning of the day particpants will be placed in one of 4 groups of 30. During this part of the programme the groups will rotate through the various demos. Everybody will see all the demonstrations.
Discrete Multichannel Music Recordings
John Eargle
- demonstration of source material in discrete multichannel room (PSB)
- what effects can be achieved
- what are potentials
- what are pitfalls
Multi-channel mixing: sound-for-picture
Brad Hohle, Dolby Laboratories
- matrixed and discrete multichannel mixing concepts
- overview: Dolby Surround and Dolby Digital
- what these technologies are
- basic review of how they work
Surround Sound in the Home
TV Broadcast/Transmission Issues
Neil Muncy
- consumers' expectations for audio are higher given introduction of home theatre and competition from other media
- how do broadcast and cable companies stack up?
- the importance of delivering a quality product to the home
- tapes of cable distributed and off-air compared to source
5:00-5:30 Panel Discussion
- panelists discussion
- questions from the floor
- wrapup
Copyright 1996
Audio Engineering Society
Toronto Section
This page was created Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 2:29 PM.
It was last updated Mon, May 20, 1996 at 1:10 AM.
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